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daily diary

Monday 07 August

Paths of hope

Day five of the Assembly! Here are the moments, meetings and discussions that brightened up the day :

Welcome !

This morning, the four countries joining CLC this year were presented by their sponsoring communities.

They are Slovakia, Ethiopia, Sweden and New Zealand. We had a special thought for the Ethiopian delegates, held back in their country for lack of visas.

A hearty round of applause confirmed their welcome into the world community. They were immediately able to take part in the afternoon’s votes. We wish them a warm welcome!

« We put our cell phones in “airplane mode”, but Ignatius invites us to put ourselves in “hope mode”. If CLC lives the grace of hope in Christ, it will be what it is called to be. »

Father Arturo Sosa sj, Superior General of the Society of Jesus and and World CLC Assistant

A word from a volunteer

“In the communications team, we come from France, Germany, Canada and Chile. But we also call on someone in Paris to help us edit the videos, or someone in Poland to help us translate the content into English! This Assembly is international even behind the scenes!”


The clowns left this morning! They left a little message for the participants:

Hats off to the artist

Bernard, who did all the drawings for the Assembly communication, joined us for two days. He drew with great tenderness and humor what he saw, and shared it as he went along with the delegates, who laughed heartily. Many thanks to him for putting his talents at the service of our Assembly!

In video:


Today, I’ll say goodbye in flemish, thanks to Bart (Belgium):

Have a nice day, see you tomorrow!