Pray in union with the CLC World Assembly in Amiens (Mt 13: 47-53)
I pause, remain silent and place myself in communion with the delegates and volunteers of this Assembly.
I imagine the joy of these people called to serve and gathered together in the name of Christ.
I ask God to have faith in the Spirit at work in each person and at the heart of this gathering.
“After taking the time to imagine these different actions, which one touches me in particular when I think about my connection with CLC? What does this invite me to do today?
In the homily at the opening Mass of the Assembly, Hervé Le Houerou, assistant to CLC-France, invited the Assembly not to consider itself “gathered for fear of perdition, but in the name of the love that comes and in the name of the Covenant offered”. How does this invitation resonate with me?
Could the days ahead be for each of us, as Hervé calls us, a “rendezvous with the Lord to open up paths of life, paths of hope that free us from judgement”? How can I make this appointment? I talk about it with the Lord.
I end my prayer with this hymn that brings me into union with the congregation: “Ubi caritas et amor, Ubi caritas Deus ibi est”